Leverage institutional knowledge to Predict what's next with Lore℠

Once the data or numbers are in a format that can be analyzed, then you can compare outcomes vs. inputs. By looking at historical results, we can predict outcomes based on different inputs.

Lore℠ records the institutional memory of a decision-making process.  Once the data or numbers are in a format that can be analyzed, then you can compare outcomes vs. inputs.  When you don’t know all the numbers that go into making a decision, it’s hard to codify that process and take it to full automation.  We gather all the data and can track how that moves through calculation and analysis to arrive at a decision.  We use Lore℠ to look at past decisions and look at the underlying data that drove them.  In addition to guaranteeing more consistent decision-making, Lore℠ can also be used to tighten or loosen standards as market conditions change.  It can also be used to train people in cases where judgment is required.

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